Sorry, this page is very out of date, and contains one or two very large files. One day, hopefully, I'll find time to update it. SF.

Scythe Festival, Rossleithen, Austria 2004. Peter Vido and a Slovakian colleague mowing a steep slope.The snath in the foreground is a traditional Slovakian design.

Scythe Festival,Molln, Austria 2004.Peening the blade. Behind, snaths handmade from wood culled in the wild.


Peter Vido mowing an 8 foot wide swath.


Scythe Festival,Molln, Austria 2004 Scything course.


Below: Scythe Festival,Molln, Austria 2004. Youngster receives tuition . . .

Youngster gets stuck in. Scythe Festival,Rossleithen, Austria 2004


Scythe Festival,Molln, Austria 2004. 50 people scything a field.




Austrian hayrack


Tilthammers at Schroeckenfux scythe factory, 1923. Blades are still forged by the same process today.

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